Z-Rock Yo Smart Speaker!
If you own an Amazon smart speaker, like the Echo Plus or Echo Dot, you can listen to 106.7 Z-Rock FM!
First you need to enable our skill. Here are 2 easy ways to do that:
1. Say, “Alexa, enable Z-Rock Chico”
2. Visit the Skills section of your Alexa Smartphone App and search for 106.7 ZROCK FM
After you have enabled the Skill, listen to our station just by saying “Alexa, open Z-Rock”
Make Z-Rock Your Alarm Clock
With the Speaker:
- Just say, “Alexa, wake me up to 1 oh 6 point 7 Z-Rock at 7 AM (or whatever time you want)”
In the Alexa App:
- Navigate to Routines in the Alexa app
- Tap + in the top-right corner
- Tap Enter Routine name and add a name for the routine e.g. “Z-Rock Alarm”
- Tap When this happens, then select Schedule and set the time to 07:00 (or whatever)
- Choose the frequency, i.e. daily, weekdays etc.
- Tap Add action and select Customized
- Enter “Play Z-Rock”
- Tap Next, then Save
- Finally, confirm the device you want this to happen on.